Poem for the Standers By

This is no time
for to-do lists
or productivity 

This is no
“I’m just so busy”
kind of time

You’re not busy
Neither am I
None of us are
Not really 

So, what are we left with
now that there is no busyness
to distract us? 

We are left with ourselves
our own monkey minds
jumping from limb to limb
howling madly with each leap 

We are left with ourselves
and our choices
our choices of the people
that make up our families
the friends we’ve made part of our lives 

Also, the choices of who and what
we do not include and involve in our lives
Do we miss them? Did we choose well? 

Who do you miss? Who don’t you?

Do you like your mind?
your own company? 

It’s not so easy, is it

See this as an opportunity
for self-love, for patience
with ourselves and with others 

Just give it a try

Start with your self
Don’t worry about the rest
Let it take care of itself 

Be kind, to yourself first

Make friends with yourself